Outfits, Skills, and Weapons



In this lesson of our Horizon Forbidden West guide, we will be going through the game’s Outfits, Skills, and other character progression related topics. While playing, you will be able to equip Aloy with various armor sets, weapons, and skills, and they all have an effect on her stats and how you play.


Outfits are mainly found by talking with Stitchers in the game’s various settlements and towns. These merchants sell the majority of the game’s Outfits, and each one has unique strengths, weaknesses, and perks that augment Aloy’s abilities. Some Outfits are found in the open world or rewarded after completing certain Quests. For more information about Outfits, see our guide:

  • Horizon Forbidden West: All Outfits, Armor, and Best Outfits to Use
  • Horizon Forbidden West: How to Transmog Outfits and Change Armor Appearance


Skills are obtained within the Skills menu, found by pressing the touch pad and then L1. Across 6 Skill Trees, you can invest Skill Points into unlocking numerous Skills for Aloy, enhancing all her abilities and weaponry. For more information about Skills, see our guides:

  • Horizon Forbidden West: All Skills and Best Skills to Learn
  • Horizon Forbidden West: How to Reset and Respec Skills

Valor Surges

Valor Surges are also found within the aforementioned Skill Trees. These are special Skills that give Aloy powerful new moves that can save her skin in the heat of a battle. There are 12 Valor Surges in total, and each one can be upgraded twice after unlocking. You can only equip one Valor Surge at a time. For more information about Valor Surges, see our guide:

  • Horizon Forbidden West: All Valor Surges and Best Ones to Use


There are many weapons to use in Horizon Forbidden West. In addition to Aloy’s trusty Hunter Bow, there are several interesting weapon types that all fulfil different roles in combat. Hidden throughout the game are special Legendary-class weapons to find, too. For more information about weapon types and Legendary weapons, see our guides:

  • Horizon Forbidden West: All Weapon Types and How They Work
  • Horizon Forbidden West: How to Get All Legendary Weapons


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